NOVEMBER 19 - December 03, 2021
barbican cinemas | ica | curzon soho | soas


Brunei gallery lecture theatre, SOAS UNIVERSITY, BLOOMSBURY, WC1H 0XG

Larissa Sansour works mainly with film, and also produces installations, photos and sculptures. Central to her work is the dialectics between myth and historical narrative. Born in East Jerusalem, Palestine, her recent work use science fiction to address social and political issues, dealing with memory, inherited traumas, power structures and nation states.
The Future Anterior
The talk will deal with the use of sci-fi tropes in an art context and the shifting of meaning resulting from that. Sansour will show excerpts of films as well as images of her work covering more than a decade of her art practice. She will discuss the ideas behind framing political discourse in speculative fiction and the inadvertent retro temporality this proximity generates.